Sunday 6 October 2013

Lirik Payung Teduh - Warna Musik Meneduhkan

Teduh, berdiri pada akhir tahun 2007 berawal dari teater Pagupon Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB) UGM. Dari hasil kreativitas mereka terciptalah irama musik dan lirik yang menyatu membawa ketenangan pendengarnya. Anggotanya yaitu Is, Comi, Cito dan Ivan mencoba menggabungkan musik tanpa batas dengan musik Payung Teduh sendiri.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Contoh Naskah Speech

Illegal Trafficking of Rare Animals Should Be Stopped

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentleman,

Illegal trafficking of rare animals still often happens in Indonesia. On December 2012, The Center of Orangutan Protection Center and Conservation of Nature Resource in Central Java could uncover traffic of rare animal networks by online in Klaten, Central Java. From the case, they confiscated some of the protected fauna in Indonesia such as 2 Bayan Parrots, 1 Maluku Parrot, 1 Green Peacock, 1 Yellow Plume Cockatoo, 1 Goffini Cockatoo, and also 1 Orangutan.

Monday 22 July 2013

Manusia Hilang Itu Artinya Mati

Saat manusia hilang, dan tak pernah kembali ke dunia. Itulah pertanda manusia dalam perjalanan ke keabadian. Dan saat manusia hadir kembali melalui mimpi itu bukanlah reinkarnasi tapi hanya bayangan sesaat yang mengingatkan bahwa manusia tersebut pernah hidup didunia entah tahun keberapa.

Penari Langit

“Mengapa harus tarian langit?”
tanyaku pada sepi.

Kalau ada waktu duduk di sini atau membaringkan tubuh di kursi malas balkon kamar saat senja seperti sekarang ini, kemudian menghadapkan pandangan ke barat maka akan terlihat langit terang berparas jingga. Sinar oranye mulai meredup dan turun perlahan mengikuti irama gemerisik pepohonan tropis dari halaman kebun. Kepakan sayap ribuan burung pipit yang sibuk kembali ke sarangnya pun turut meramaikan ganasnya tarian langit. Jika lebih jeli perhatikan apa yang terkandung dalam senja sekarang ini, dan dengarkan irama-irama sendu, saksikan para dewa-dewi sedang menarikan tarian senjanya, menyambut purnama datang.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Dua Wajah Pagi

       Saya tak pernah memahami mengapa suasana pagi bisa menjadi lebih sibuk daripada malam. Tiap pagi, orang-orang minum kopi dan pengantar Koran mampir dari rumah ke rumah, dan jalan mulai sibuk, bis kota sudah bertugas, tetapi segala hal yang normal di abad ke-21 ini akan segera diletakkan terpaut dengan sesuatu yang menyebabkan Jogja hidup: semacam budaya pop.

Mengapa Harus Ada Bayangan?

Mengapa harus ada bayangan?

Kadang kita sering bertanya-tanya, merasa risih jika ada siluet hitam mengikuti kemana arah kita menghadap. Terutama saat kita harus berpapasan dengan terik matahari. Siluet itulah yang kita namakan sebuah bayangan.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Kedai 24 - Lokalisasi Kuliner

Namanya pasti aneh?

yak kan? sebuah lokalisasi kuliner yang tidak boleh kamu tinggalkan saat berkunjung ke Jogja atau menghabiskan malam di Jogja.

KEDAI 24 (non stop g pernah tutup) - Lokasinya di mana?

Monday 3 June 2013

Memilih Jarak - Sebuah Resolusi

Jarak itu bisa panjang bisa pendek. Pilihannya adalah tergantung kebutuhan manusia mengapa harus menciptakan jarak. Bahkan antara satu jari dengan jari lain punya jarak meski itu kecil. Tapi dengan jarak, semua hal menjadi jelas dan ada batasnya.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Song Collection of Abdul And The Coffee Theory

Hai-hai aku update kumpulan Abdul and The Coffee Theory yang terbaru. Download ya.
Sekedar saran aja. dengerin sambil menyesap secangkir kopi hitam., di jamin perasaanmu langsung adem. Cozy banget deh...

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Bad Impacts of Insomnia


Insomnia is a bad habit that is not being able to sleep at night. It is a bad habit because people who get it cannot organize their biological system. Most of people especially that are 20-40 years old often get insomnia at night. They only can sleep after night passed at 3 am, even is still awake until morning arrives. Insomnia is caused not only because of bad biological system but also some external factors such as over-consuming coffee, having negative thought or confused, and may be they spend along night by online in the internet. If insomnia is allowed all time and becomes a habit, it will bring bad impact for insomnia sufferer.  The bad impact of insomnia can be divided being two effects, that are physical changes and psychological changes.

Wisata Kuliner Jogja – Sushi Story Express

Ini bukan pengalaman pertama sih, aku menikmati kuliner sushi di Kedai Sushi Story. Tapi setidaknya aku mau berbagi pada para pembaca asyiknya sushi di Kedai ini.  

Friday 1 February 2013

Philip Boas : The Other Story of Batik's artist

The assessment of listening and speaking for daily conversation class is interviewing with a native speaker. I with three of my friends (Erlin, Fitri and Putri) tried to search a native speaker in some places in Yogyakarta. The first place was in Taman Sari Water Castle Yogyakarta, I met Team from Liverpool England, the second place was in Vrederburg bastion, I met Joia Döerjinio from the north of Italia. But from both of them, I didn’t get some interesting topic, because the time was not so well to make interview, they were also little busy. 

Mr. Team and Miss Joia
Finally, I contacted my friend, he is foreign people who has been staying along in Jogja. His name is Philip Boas from Netherland. I know him because he was my client when I worked at TMC. I also often communicate with him by text message or e-mail. I made appointment with Mr. Philip to make an interview time. He didn’t agree that I will come to his house in a village, because he keeps sounds of neighbor that think negatively about him. So, he suggested coming to my home at 10 o’clock at morning at January 9th 2012.

The Unique Cafe' of Raminten

In the front of Raminten
  The House of Raminten Restaurant & Café or people are known as Raminten is located in Faridan M. Noto Street Kotabaru Yogyakarta. Located is close to center of town, may be if we take it from zero kilometer we only spend 15 minutes except that traffic jump. From my house, if I go there I just spend about 20 minutes. Raminten’s building is beside of Mirota Bakery that is one company. The interior of Raminten is very cool, located in ancient house with two floors that is still well taken care. In front of the house there are some ancient carriages and it is become one of unique sides of Raminten. Except building, Raminten have other uniqueness, there are history of Raminten, food and drink menus in Raminten and atmosphere in Raminten.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Darye - Korean Tea Ceremony

Korea is an East-Asian country that is currently divided into two separate are North Korea and South Korea. There are many cultures in Korea that famous in the world. Korean people consist of traditional people and modern people. Usually they are modern people live in apartments or houses in town, they work in many companies that built in center of city. Traditional people in Korea choose live at geomansi.